B. A. Mullen, Inc.


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Welcome to BAMINC.   Since 1985, B. A. Mullen, Inc., has offered a full line of computer hardware, software and services to small and medium sized companies in the Louisville, Kentucky area.  

With the emphasis on service.

Hardware and software alone will not provide your solution.  The total solution requires planning, installation, implementation, testing, training and on-going support.

Most of all, the total solution requires a lot of listening.

Your business is different from all others.  You know that.  We know that.  That is why our approach begins with a basic understanding of how you run your business.  As a result, we do a lot of listening.

Whether your requirements are as simple as connecting a printer to a PC or as complex as system administration for a  wide-area network, we welcome the opportunity to provide the solution.

There is a saying, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog".

That pretty much sums it up for B. A. Mullen, Inc.

We concentrate on being the best, not the biggest.


B. A. Mullen, Inc.

2810 Jomarie Ct

Suite LL075

Louisville, Kentucky 40220

Phone: 502-499-1331

Email: Admin@BAMullen.com





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